• 30 MAR 23
    Szkoła letnia o antysemityzmie i ksenofobii w regionie Bałtyku

    Szkoła letnia o antysemityzmie i ksenofobii w regionie Bałtyku

    Call for Applications:
    Summer School “Antisemitism and Xenophobia in the Baltic Sea Region”
    (20–27 August 2023)

    The Interdisciplinary Centre for Baltic Sea Region Research (IFZO) at the University of Greifswald, the International Center for Interdisciplinary Studies (MOBI) at the University of Szczecin and Lund University are inviting students to apply for the international summer school “Antisemitism and Xenophobia in the Baltic Sea Region” which will take place on 20–27 August 2023, in Kulice (a former manor, which serves as conference center of the University of Szczecin). Bachelor and master students with a documented interest in the course topic, for instance
    • students in pedagogy and didactics of history or
    • students of the German “Lehramt” programs in history or
    • Polish students of similar study programs in humanities or social sciences
    are invited to apply.

    The summer school will be held in English.

    The summer school will focus on the history and theories of Antisemitism, contemporary Antisemitism and xenophobia, anti-Jewish and racist stereotypes. It will also provide knowledge and tools to address the topics of Antisemitism and xenophobia in the classroom. It addresses debates on Antisemitism both in historical and contemporary perspectives. Its main objectives are:
    a. To provide theoretical knowledge on the theory and history as well as the elementary psychological basis of Antisemitism and xenophobia
    b. To develop tools to address these topics in the classroom together
    c. To engage in dialogue on these topics with pupils (during the lessons and out- of-school activities)
    d. To provide concepts and approaches on how to teach these topics to different age groups (for instance, educational concepts of teaching the Holocaust/ Antisemitism through biographical approach, testimonies, art, and audio-visual approach)
    e. To discuss how to react on manifestations of Antisemitism and xenophobia in the classroom and to create samples of written courses of actions in order to intervene such behaviour and to prevent it in the future
    The summer school will cover lodging costs and participation fees. Successful participation amounts to 5 ECTS points.

    This is a non-profit Summer School. The deadline for applications is 30 April 2023.
    Please send your applications (CV and a letter of interest in English) and further questions to:

    Germany – Erik Wolf (erik.wolf@uni-greifswald.de)

    Sweden – Henrik Rosengren (henrik.rosengren@hist.lu.se)

    Poland – Jörg Hackmann (jorg.hackmann@usz.edu.pl)

  • Kim jesteśmy?

    Międzynarodowy Ośrodek Badań Interdyscyplinarnych (MOBI) Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego usytuowany jest we wsi Kulice, na terenie gminy Nowogard, w odległości ok. 70 km od Szczecina.
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  • Misja

    MOBI zajmuje się wymianą naukową, transferem wiedzy oraz edukacją społeczną na pograniczu polsko-niemieckim, a takżę w szerszym kontekście międzynarodowym, szczególnie w regionie Bałtyku.
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  • Cele

    MOBI prowadzi interdyscyplinarne projekty naukowe oraz organizuje konferencje, warsztaty, szkoły letnie, debaty, a także wydarzenia kulturalne i artystyczne.
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